Monday, October 31, 2011

Mid Term / Self Directed Exercise

Midterm is a self directed exercise for the coming final in December. You can't study for this exercise/test/design. All Photoshop concepts you should know or used. I will give a brief over view of what needs to be included in the design. You will have an hour and half to complete work. Try your best. Think of this as a self test for you as a designer to figure out what you may need to review in Photoshop to clearly understand the software by the end of the semester. This exercise will be graded more on effort and if all six Photoshop concepts are included and layers are labeled properly in the screenshot you turn in. This exercise will not have a high point value only 15 or 20 points so do not worry if things do not come together as well as you like.

Create a self portrait with one word connected to the images provided.

Must include
1. Layers
2. Layer Mask or Vector Mask
3. Shape Layer
4. Adjustment Layer
5. Blending Mode
6. Text Layer

Size 768 px by 1024 px
Resolution 72 px/inch

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Poster Assignment

Text that must to be included in posters

Spring Thing

Mt. SAC Choral Program and the award-winning men’s a cappella group
Evening of jazz, pop, Broadway, barbershop and contemporary a cappella.

Venue: Sophia B. Clarke Theater