Wednesday, December 7, 2011


DECEMBER 12 & 14
7:30am to 10:00am


What to submit for label Zing (place in screen shots in file with your name in drop box)

1. Screen shots for all exercises.

2. Screen shots of all comps of the Zing design done in Illustrator.

3. Color printed copy of Zing Bottle PSD.
4. Screen shot of psd of bottle with layers organized and labeled.
5. A creative brief (printed) that answers the highlighted questions. A creative brief may contain (All Red highlighted must be answered questions):
  • Background — what is the background of the project? Why is it being done?
  • Target audience — what do they already think about this subject? Is there anything that should be avoided?
  • Objectives — what is to be accomplished? How will this be measured and success understood?
  • Single message — what is the one thing to tell the audience? What is the single thing they should remember about the offering? How will they believe what we say?
  • Mandatory elements - mandatory elements such as the client's logo, address, phone number and so forth.
  • Deliverables — what is to be used to give the audience the message? What is the best way or place to reach this audience?
  • Timeline — how soon is this needed? When is it expected to be done? How many rounds (revisions) will this project undergo?
  • Budget — how much can be spent to get this developed? Is there any budget needed to publish/flight the creative?
  • Approvals — who needs to give the "okay"?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Submit by Wed. Nov. 9

• Two Screen Shots Posters
• Screen Shot Healed Photo
• Screen Shot Blending Modes
• Screen Shot Text/Perspective
• Midterm Exercise/Exam

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mid Term / Self Directed Exercise

Midterm is a self directed exercise for the coming final in December. You can't study for this exercise/test/design. All Photoshop concepts you should know or used. I will give a brief over view of what needs to be included in the design. You will have an hour and half to complete work. Try your best. Think of this as a self test for you as a designer to figure out what you may need to review in Photoshop to clearly understand the software by the end of the semester. This exercise will be graded more on effort and if all six Photoshop concepts are included and layers are labeled properly in the screenshot you turn in. This exercise will not have a high point value only 15 or 20 points so do not worry if things do not come together as well as you like.

Create a self portrait with one word connected to the images provided.

Must include
1. Layers
2. Layer Mask or Vector Mask
3. Shape Layer
4. Adjustment Layer
5. Blending Mode
6. Text Layer

Size 768 px by 1024 px
Resolution 72 px/inch

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Poster Assignment

Text that must to be included in posters

Spring Thing

Mt. SAC Choral Program and the award-winning men’s a cappella group
Evening of jazz, pop, Broadway, barbershop and contemporary a cappella.

Venue: Sophia B. Clarke Theater

Monday, September 19, 2011

What to critique in critique

1. Be able to explain your visual narrative. (Color, Scale, Background, Rhythm, etc.)
2. Selections or masks that remove the background.
3. How creative is the background and how does the background connect to the foreground.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rabbit Design.

Create a t-shirt that focuses on the year of the rabbit or hare. Use the vector graphic software Illustrator. This should be a quick time wise graphic. Design a rabbit it does not have to be or it can be realistic. The design can be cartoonish, realistic, made out of dots, lines, etc. Think of this assignment as an opportunity to make a type of work that you could do on your own when the semester is finished to create for self promotion and practice. Use the website below to as a guide and place to start to think how to sell you talent and visual ideas.

Korean Poster McDonalds Rabbit/Hare Design

Color Mode: CMYK
Size: 8.5in x 11in

Sunday, April 17, 2011

REMINDER: What you will turn in 3 Different Posters (In each file or poster three different comps of the text/copy)

LINK: Musical Lines for Poster
VIDEO: No Stupid Questions Smart Objects
ADOBE HELP: Non Destructive Smart Objects
ADOBE HELP: Blending mode descriptions
BLENDING MODE OVERVIEW: Photoshop Essentials

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Command Shift <> change size of text

Option arrows will change the leading or tracking of text.
LEADING vertical space between letter
TRACKING horizontal space between letters
KERNING Adjusting space between specific characters

SANS SERIF no feet clean unadorned type
SERIF has feet often thought easier to read if in blocks of text

Monday, April 4, 2011

Critique on gift bag.

What to submit on Wednesday

1. Screen shot healed photograph of landscape.
2. Screen shots of 2 or more gift bags.
3. Printed version. Add a handle to finish off idea.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

(1) Must use three out of four of layouts illustrated below. (2) Use guides and proper angles. (3) CMYK 11in x 17 in at 150 pixels per inch (4) Use Kuler to limit color choices and create a color identity for poster (5) Imagery for posters can be abstract, photographic, musical notes, flowers, clouds, musical instruments, a drawing, etc.. Be creative.

POSTER #1 Use the piano images to make the Piano poster.

POSTER #2 Use construction paper or card board to make visuals for either the Drum or Wind poster.

POSTER #3 Use your own image or creativity to make the image for either the Drum or Wind poster.

45 Single Direction

Create 3 different posters with different design ideas.
choose one version illustrated above and layout info listed below.
Size: 11in x 17in
Resolution: 150px/in.

• Use of the rule of thirds
• Use of rulers and measuring the space
• Use of the guides
• Use of a hierarchy with text (different scale/size of text depending on info represented)
• Limit color choices to give poster an identity (Recommended use Kuler to choose colors)

Info to be included in three posters.

Spring Piano Concert

Showtime:Location: Sophia B. Clarke TheaterAdmission: $12, Seniors, Students & Children under 12 $9, Mt. SAC Students with ID $6


Spring Wind Ensemble Concert

Showtime:Location: Sophia B. Clarke TheaterAdmission: $12, Seniors, Students & Children under 12 $9, Mt. SAC Students with ID $6


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Create a gift bag inspired by Tiffany stained glass using shape layers.

1 Create a template 17 x 11 inches at resolution 300 px/inch . Follow demo, key to template use grid and make sure snap to grid is turned on.
2 Research what early Tiffany stained glass looks like.
3 Make design be sure to use the grid to organize the design. Key work is design (Example being sure you are aware of where shapes are placed on the grid the exact angles shapes are rotated.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Demo making an orange look otherworldly. Much of this demo based on this tutorial Product Shot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

B (Brush)
[ (Brush Smaller)
] (Enlarge Brush)
E (Eraser Tool)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Create an add for a pizza restaurant choose one of the following names and collage together an idea for a promotional poster or card for a window in the restaurant.

8inches x 8inches
150 pixels/square inch

Dead Gulch Pizza (Western Theme)
West Coast Pizza (Techno Theme)
Red Roaster Pizza (Poultry Mascot)

Adjustment Layers

Monday, March 7, 2011

Command + ' (turn grid on and off)
Shift (Constrain Proportions and add to selection)
Command + - or + (Zoom in and Out)
Tab (Turn on and off tool bar and palletes)
F (Cycles through various views)
Command + R (Turns off and on Rulers)
Command + X (Edit>Cut)
Command + A (Select All)
Command + D (Deselect)
Command + Z (Undo)
Command + T (Transform)
[ ] (Change the size of the brush)
Q (Toggles Quick Mask)
X (Toggles Between Foreground and Backround Colors)

Feather Softens the edges of a selection

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You will create a series of collages using Photoshop. These collages will be connected to the lectures and what we are learning in class about how to use Photoshop to edit pictures. Think of these collages as covers for music cd's or images for posters. You should be creating about one collage a day. The first part of class will involve a lecture about the software and then you should use what you learned in the collage.

Connect two objects together so they make visual sense from the assets given to you in class. How to use selections will be most important skill learned to discard the back round and cut apart the objects. You will add color for instance a highlight by using a layer styles.

In groups of 2 or 3 choose a designer from the website History of Design or Design is History and you will also be given a design principal. With that principal you will describe how that designer used that term in a work he or she made.

Answer 3 questions
1. Describe the design principal.
2. Show an example of how design principal connects to a work done by chosen designer.
3. Describe why the designer is significant.

Design Principals to be assigned to each group

Balance, Color, Unity, Proximity, Repetition, Emphasis, Contrast, Continuity, Size, Shape, Line, Texture, Space